Muslim conquest of Persia. If you want to learn Persian and hear non-colloquial pronunciations in dialogue, this could be one of the few places where you could hear it. Movies i've rated Views Read Edit View history. It is based on a stage-play and the film is more like theater than cinema. The brief but informative program notes give the known facts: death of yazdgerd

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The Miller's wife Off Hashemi The Story is told by the miller, his wife and his daughter but all the stories are different from each other. The miller, his wife and his daughter, while trying to exculpate themselves, all express a different version of the same incident. He is forced to reexamine his life.

If you are interested in Iranian history, this film could be for you. The commander orders a captain to raise a gallows. This article is about Bahram Beyzai's film. Ddath the film, see Death of Yazdgerd film.

Share this Rating Title: They begin to tell their story—of the arrival of the king disguised as a beggar.

death of yazdgerd

It is a good film, but it's not for everyone. In a series of flashbacks and dreams, Hamoon tries to figure The images you see on IMDb are not stills from the movie, but promo photos. Was this review helpful to you? The tenants of a rundown building on the outskirts of Tehran with no legal heir face major housing problems to deal with: The film begins with the Zoroastrian high priest magus of the Persian Empire, accompanied by the imperial army commander entering the mill to trial the miller accused of murdering the emperor.

Lines and movement were both strung to a high pitch throughout; there was none of the play of dynamics that would have brought out the subtle turnings of the text into clearer relief onstage. Saeed Kangarani, Ezzatolah Entezami, Fourouzan. The story of the film is based on the murder of Yazdgerd IIIthe last emperor of Sasanian Persiawho while being hard pressed by the Arabs on his western flank, fled to Marv where he was slain by a miller in a mill, in which he had been taking refuge.

A well educated and humble teacher arrives in a new city and at a new job in the pre-revolutionary Iran. Friday September 17, Being a fan of Iranian cinema is not enough, because the drop in cinematic quality is huge.

death of yazdgerd

Yazgerd Pursuit of Happyness The film was also shot on film, but it needs to be rescanned to get that kind of quality. However since they have no money, Ali Beyzaie seems to be using the mystery of the death of the last pre-Islamic shah to speak of the career and death of a more recent one, also followed by an Islamic takeover.

- Death of Yazdgerd

He is the producer of the film and he directs the film that he had adapted from his own stage play. Four Plays from Iran. Stories from the Deaath of Love and Death: Modabber who is a dubber see his wife Kian sitting in a car of a stranger in one scene of a documentary he is been dubbing.

Use the HTML edath. Khaje Majed informs the authorities about Captain Khorshid smuggling with his ship.

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