AlertSite customers may visit Customer Support for customer service contact information. Automatically detects and adjusts for dynamic features of Rich Internet Applications RIA , including cookies, caching, certificates, JavaScript, Flash, and delayed user responses. Note that monitors recorded in Chrome can be uploaded as either Chrome or Firefox monitors. If you do not see this toolbar, use one of the installation methods mentioned above. For users who must have a version greater than 38, the version of Firefox that allows installation of unverified extensions is version alertsite dejaclick

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If you do not see this toolbar, use one of the installation methods mentioned above. Generates scripts automatically by following user click streams, no scripting is required. Log in to your AlertSite account, if you have not done it yet. A slide show will be displayed on screen with thumbnails of each page.

You can import previously saved scripts. When dejacilck test completes successfully, you will be able to view a detailed report with performance data from that monitoring location. If the test returns an error, you will be able to analyze the problem immediately and make any changes prior to uploading the transaction to your account.

The toolbar provides easy access to detailed reports and graphs. To make sure your transaction will monitor remotely as expected, we recommend that you replay the transaction at a worldwide monitoring location before uploading it to AlertSite, that is, perform a test on demand: To make sure your transaction will monitor remotely as expected, we recommend that you replay the transaction at a worldwide monitoring dejackick before uploading it to AlertSite, that is, perform a test on demand:.

A text line will appear in the keyword text field. Click to exit the keyword validation mode.

Use our Chrome extension. In the Test on Demand dialog, select a monitoring location from the Locations drop-down list. Highlight search results Highlight search results.

alertsite dejaclick

Modern web applications often handle errors gracefully and return the HTTP response even if an error occurs. Import Import You can import previously saved scripts.

Note that monitors recorded in Chrome can be uploaded as either Chrome or Firefox monitors. You will see the following popup: To do this, click and browse for the needed script.

DéjàClick for Chrome™

Below is a list of the most distinctive features of the new technology: Flexible and adaptive script property editing. Is this page helpful?

alertsite dejaclick

Transactions can be played back on the desktop exactly as they will be in the service for verification. Automatically detects and adjusts for dynamic features of Rich Internet Applications RIAincluding cookies, caching, certificates, JavaScript, Flash, and delayed user responses.

Click to dwjaclick to the keyword validation mode and pick Yahoo News Exclusives as a keyword phrase. Buy Contact Blog Community Login.

AlertSite DejaClick - Chrome Web Store

Before uploading a transaction to AlertSite for monitoring, you need to play it back on the desktop:. You will see alertsife message informing you about successful completion of recording.

alertsite dejaclick

In this dejaclikc, we will use the Yahoo home page to set up a simple transaction. When the playback is complete, you should see the following message:. You can click on each thumbnail to display a larger view of the page.

AlertSite Creates Firefox Add-On for its DejaClick Web Performance Monitoring Solution

Before uploading a transaction to AlertSite for monitoring, you need to play it back on the desktop: To begin recording a transaction: To make sure your application responds correctly, it is important to assign keywords to the transactions you are going to use for monitoring. Click to enable the toolbar. If you get a popup dejacllck if you want to skip, stop, or continue, choose Skip.


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